Monday, September 21, 2009


I know and often refer to wikipedia as a general source of information on a topic but I tend to forget that it contains input from almost anyone - and can therefore be innacurate. I had a look at the wiki sites as suggested by 23 things and found the wikimap to be the most useful and I guess I would expect that editors to this site would be genuine...whereas I found the wikileaks difficult to navigate.


Allora, in addition to learning Italian via classes, you tube and blogs the use of e-books could be quite useful. One relatively easy way to find some Italian (language and reading) titles is to access googlebooks and type 'italian' in the search engine. Included in the initial responses are books like the lonely planets guide to learning italian and even the 'idiots pocket guide to Italian'.
There's even a book titled 'Italian Stories' which gives the option of reading some excellent italian authors in their original tongue first, followed by an engllish translation.
However, the only thing that I don't really like about e-books on google (and on the other sites I looked at) is the fact that I didn't manage to view each single page on the computer screen - and had to scroll up/down to read the page....Having said that the you tube clip on three e-readers look good - providing a good imitation to a real book..